Browsing All Posts filed under »Freediving and Spearfishing«

Multitasking near Jenner; Tips and Pointers for Crab, Abalone, Urchin, and Rockfish

November 11, 2012


With a kayak, crab traps, a pole spear, and an ab iron, a healthy variety of sea food can be harvested and hunted with a day’s effort. I chose the Jenner area because I knew the silt bottom bay where the Russian River meets the ocean would provide a good habitat for dungenous crab, and […]

Polespears and Blue Rockfish

August 29, 2012


Last weekend a good friend and I winded our way up highway 1 to Salt Point SP on the Sonoma coast. We made our pilgrimage with the intention of scouring the sea floor for abalone on what we prayed would be a beautiful day. It was. After evaluating the dive site and choosing our point […]

Spearing Lionfish

August 24, 2011


Throughout the Caribean the recently introduced species of fish known as lionfish is considered to have both an invasive and destructive impact on the ecological balance of the existing reef. In this region Lionfish are without predators and able to breed unhindered. Their increasinly prolific numbers are believed to be the cause of diminished populations […]